Many a times, regular income is not enough to take care of ones unlimited personal requirements. This is when loans come into the picture. Personal loan, available in both secured and unsecured form, is a financial product that takes care of people who find themselves short of money. The market for unsecured loans, especially over the Internet, is on a steep rise, according to industry experts. Recently collected data reveals that nearly 11% of the total unsecured personal loans in the UK were availed online. This ascendance can be attributed to its no collateral attribute, i.e., the borrowers need not pledge any asset in lieu of getting the loan amount approved. Absence of collateral in turn leads to less paperwork (no red tape), quick service (fast loan processing) and no immediate risks in the event of repeated defaults or non-repayment clauses. Irrespective of whether one is capable of offering collateral or not, the above-mentioned benefits of unsecured personal loans can be availed by all groups and for most needs. Groups: · The only choice for tenants and students, as they may be unable of offer an asset as collateral because they do not own one or are living with their parents · A better alternative for homeowners and property owners, as they may be unwilling to get into property related legalities or risk their property for a small amount Needs: · Small monetary requirements, as offering collateral may not be required · Urgent monetary needs, as getting into lengthy property evaluation procedures may not be feasible One can find a variety of need specific unsecured loan products in the credit market like bad credit loans, business loans, car loans, career development loans, cosmetic surgery loans, debt consolidation loans, education loans, holiday loans, homeowner loans, home improvement loans and wedding loans. Please note: Approval of an unsecured loan is subject to basic credibility parameters like past credit history, employment status and DTI ratio. Every loan type has limitations and unsecured loans are no different. As the stakes are high for the creditors, unsecured loan borrowers have to compromise with limited amount (normally between £500 and £25,000) high APR (normally between 7.4% and 41%), fixed payback terms and non-negotiable loan clauses. In a nutshell, if absence of collateral has advantages, it has disadvantages too. Hence, credit shopping and borrowing in accordance with need and payback ability is recommended.
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