People show inclination towards unsecured loans, when they have to borrow a smaller loan amount with a shorter repayment term. For availing an unsecured loan, you need not have to put your home at stake. So, the first and the foremost benefit which you have here is that you can avoid the threat of repossession of your property.
Whether you are a tenant or a homeowner, you can avail unsecured loans for meeting your different needs. The eligibility criteria for availing an unsecured loan is that you need to be above 18 years of age and should be employed. The loan criteria can vary from lender to lender.
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An unsecured loan comes with a fixed as well as a variable APR (Annual Percentage Rate). In a fixed interest rate loan, the interest rate would remain the same throughout the loan tenure. On the other hand, with variable interest rates, the rates can go up and down according to the base rates of the Bank of England.
People with poor credit can also seek an unsecured loan, if they meet the specific loan criteria of the lenders. A bad credit history can be anything like defaults, missed payments, County Court Judgments, or bankruptcies.Bad credit unsecured loans not only helps us in meeting monetary requirements, but can also help us in improving your credit score. Once you have improved your credit score, you can easily avail a loan in the future.
There are various lenders in the UK who provide online loans. You can approach any high-street banks, building societies and private lenders across the UK. Due to the fierce competition among the private lenders, they can offer you a loan on competitive APR (Annual Percentage Rate).
Unsecured loans can be procured fast, as compared to a secured loan type. This is because the valuation of collateral doesn't take place with unsecured loans. Therefore, the turnaround time in the entire loan processing gets reduced.